Sunday, December 26, 2010

Geometrical staircase with exposed treads

This design dates from the Victorian style period.

We used African Mahogany for the treads,balusters,risers
rail and newels.

Typical are the exposed treads with the bull nose profile ending with a return into the inner stringer.
Where the risers meet the treads the joint is covered with a
scotia profile. Same is done ate the inner stringer.
Railing in this design is 60x90 mm bull nosed with a round-
over of 20 mm.
Balusters are round 38 mm and paced on each step.
Newels are 128x128 mm square at the blocks.
As seen on the photo the first bull nose step is placed under
a angle in order to create more space near the adjoining door.
The soffit is panelled with hardboard as this needs to be